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Author: EmpressMaire [Wimarie Tenorio]

Spoken Poetry

As she open her eyes In this broken world Her journey begins With amazing adventures Full of dreams and goals.

As she walk out in To the world of wonders Leaving her comfort zone Meet new people out there Learn a lot of new things.

She stumbled on her way She always cried silently With tears of sadness and joy Push with convection and determination Fight! Stand and continue.

She's calm in spite of trials She smile despite the pain She endures until it pass She find the beauty In the deep of darkness.

Her tears becomes fuel To move forward, to step closer Her heart go through much She's polish by the experience Make her wiser as she is.

Just like a little bird in the sky She fly freely without worry Let the sun burn her out Till she turn into ashes But reborn as a phoenix with crown.

She's strong independent woman Ain't a princess need to be save by a prince She's a Queen who doesn't need a king She can go through storm and wind She won't quit until the end.

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